Evelyn Hochheim - Head of the Servicestelle
A picture of Evelyn Hochheim
Image: privatPhone: 03641 9-401251
E-Mail: evelyn.hochheim@uni-jena.de
Evelyn Hochheim studied educational science, psychology and sociology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena (FSU). Subsequently, she undertook research and taught at the Institute of Educational Sciences and as part of an interdisciplinary research project at FSU. In addition, she gained teaching experience at the University of Applied Sciences in St. Gallen (Switzerland) and at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. As the head of the Career Service at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, as staff member at the Graduate Academy of the FSU and in the context of her freelance work as a career counsellor and coach she designed and implemented numerous workshops for a variety of target groups.
Dr. Franziska Teichmann
A picture of Dr. Franziska Teichmann
Image: Fotostudio EbenbildPhone: 03641 9-401254
E-Mail: franziska.teichmann@uni-jena.de
Franziska Teichmann studied Sociology, Education, and Psychology at Friedrich Schiller-University. Starting from 2009, she was involved in teaching and research in the field of Empirical Education Research at the University of Würzburg. In 2011, she transitioned to the research and development project "Gender in Academic Teaching" at EAH Jena, where she was active in teaching in the Social Work department. From 2013, she conducted research at the University of Marburg in a project in organizational education, scrutinizing academic careers of doctoral candidates at universities and non-university research institutions. In this context, she wrote her dissertation investigating the learning processes of doctoral candidates in teaching and research and the development of self-perceptions as teachers and researchers. Franziska joined LehreLernen in 2015.
Lisa Schäuble
A picture of Lisa Schäuble
Image: Lisa WollenschlägerPhone: 03641 9-401253
E-Mail: lisa.schaeuble@uni-jena.de
Lisa Schäuble studied German as a Foreign and Second Language and Speech Sciences in Jena and Halle (Saale). Starting in 2018, she worked as a freelance lecturer to teach speech training for prospective teachers and German as a second language. From 2020, she taught and undertook research at the Department of Special and Social Education at the University of Erfurt for four years. Her work focused on language and communication impairments as well as multilingualism and interculturality in the school context. At the same time, Lisa Schäuble has completed further training in Higher Education Didactics on various topics. She joined the Servicestelle LehreLernen in 2024.
Sarah Werner
A picture of Sarah Werner
Image: Robin ReichPhone: 03641 9-401257
E-Mail: sarah.werner@uni-jena.de
Sarah Werner joined the Department of Bioinformatics at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena as a researcher after earning her degree in bioinformatics. She gained teaching experience through the conception and implementation of exercises and seminars. From August 2012 to December 2016, she was involved in the ProQualitätLehre project at the Faculty of Biosciences. There she worked intensively on the potential that the Moodle learning platform offers for teaching and was also entrusted with the conception and implementation of teaching and learning content.
She joined LehreLernen in 2017.