Symbolbild Referate

Seminar with students‘ presentations

Symbolbild Referate
Image: Thomas Ulrich auf Pixabay

Phase 1: Students Record Their Presentations

  • Ask students to record their presentation in advance (e.g., via PPT, Smartphone, Opencast Studio in Moodle).
  • Define clear quality criteria for the presentations and set a time limit. This asynchrony might improve the presentations’ quality as students are able to check and refine their presentation before sharing it with their fellow students.
  • Recorded presentations can be uploaded via Opencast in Moodle. Alternatively, you may use a secured YouTube-channel.

Phase 2: Watching the Presentation plus Task

  • Students can watch the presentation independent from a specific time and space.
  • Formulate a task for the students. For example: Please write down at least two questions about the presentation’s topic.
  • Questions can be collected with Padlet, tweedback or Moodle Forum.

Phase 3: Live-Exchange About Selected Questions

  • Give your students the opportunity to exchange themselves about the presentation.
  • Such as in a normal Präsenzseminar, the exchange will most likely not start by itself. Ask questions and try to incorporate the results from students’ self-studies.
  • This exchange can be either oral via web conferencing (Zoom) or written via chat (e.g., tweedback Chatwall, MS Team).
  • Consider writing minutes to permanently document the results of the exchange.