Would you like to receive didactic feedback on your teaching approach? Do you want to get ideas on how to further enhance your teaching and instructional methods in concrete terms?
Then you have the opportunity to have a session of your course recorded. Following the recording, you will receive comprehensive, structured feedback during a one-on-one meeting with a teaching expert from our LehreLernen team. This will provide a chance to delve deeper into specific aspects of your course. The video recording will also be made accessible to you, serving as a tool to view and reflect on your teaching style from a fresh perspective.
As an alternative, we also offer the possibility of an in-person course observation by a member of the LehreLernen team.
The offer is free of charge for teachers of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. LehreLernen takes over the complete organization of the video recording for you.
Please send your inquiries to lehrelernen@uni-jena.de or call 9-401250.